Blazing Saddles

Sheriff, Mongo's back!
He's breaking up the whole town!

You've got to help us, please!
Did you hear that? Now it's "please. "
This morning I couldn't get the time
of day. Who is this Mongo, anyway?

Well, Mongo ain't exactly a "who. "
He's more of a "what. "

What he said.
Well, I don't know...
Oh, thank you very much!
The fool's going to...
I mean, the sheriff's going to do it.
No, no, don't do that! If you shoot
him, you'll just make him mad.

Candygram for Mongo!
Me, Mongo.
Sign, please.
Mongo like candy.
A little further down, to the right.
I thought sure that Mongo
would mash him up...

...into little bitty sheriff meatballs.
I just don't understand it.
Be still, Taggart.
My mind is a raging torrent...
...flooded with rivulets of thought...
...cascading into a waterfall
of creative alternatives.

Gol darn it, Mr. Lamarr...
:46:47 use your tongue prettier
than a $20 whore.

Wait a minute, that's it!
