I'm sorry. Miss Sessions insists.
- She says you know her.
- Okay.
Hello, Miss Sessions.
I don't believe we've had the pleasure.
- Oh yes we have. Are you alone?
- Isn't everyone?
What can I do for you?
Well, I'm a working girl. I didn't
come in to see you on my own.
- When did you come in?
- I pretended to be Mrs Mulwray.
Shut the fuck up...
Yes, I remember.
- Is something wrong?
- I was just checking with an associate.
- Go on.
- I never expected all this to happen.
If it gets out, I want someone to know
that I didn't know what would happen.
I understand. Who was your employer?
It would be helpful to both of us.
Oh, no. No.
What's your address?
Maybe we could talk this over.
Just look in the obituary column
of today's L.A. Post-Record.
You'll find one of those people.
How do you like them apples?
Thank you for coming.