Well, Whitey Mehrholtz
over at the Times will.
Dumping thousands of gallons of water
in the middle of a drought is news.
Mr Gittes...
We're not anxious for it to get around,
but we have been diverting water -
- To irrigate orange groves
in the Northwest Valley.
They have no legal right to our water,
but we've been trying to help them out.
When you divert water,
there's a little run-off.
Yeah, a little run-off...
Where did you say those groves were?
- In the Northwest Valley.
- That's like saying they're in Arizona.
My field men are out,
I can't give you the exact location.
You're a married man, aren't you?
Hard working, wife, kids...?
- Yes.
- I don't want to nail you.
I want to find out who put you up to it.
I'll give you a few days to think on it.
Call me, I can help. Who knows,
maybe we can put the whole thing off -
- On a few big shots, and you can stay
head of the department for 20 years.
- Drink?
- No, thank you.