You one of them liberals...
...thinks we shoot our guns because
it's an extension of our penises.
I never thought about it that way.
It could be true.
Maybe it is. But this is gun country.
Can't own a gun in New York.
Here, I hardly know a man who doesn't.
And unlike your city, we can walk
our streets at night and feel safe.
Muggers out here, they just plain
get their asses blown up.
Here, slip these on.
All right.
This is a percussion pistol.
You ever handled one before?
You know how to fire it?
Watch the kick. You'll think
your arm's gonna hit the ceiling.
Goddamn! Paul, you hit dead centre.
- Mind if I try this hogleg Colt?
- No.
You're a peculiar
conscientious objector.
- These notches for real?
- Yeah.
Belonged to a gunfighter
named Candy Dan in 1890.
I do know something about guns.
I grew up with them. All kinds.
My father was a hunter. I guess
out here you call them gunmen.
My mother
was the other side of the coin.
When my father was killed
in a hunting accident...
Some fool mistook him
for a deer, you see.
My mother won the toss.
I never touched a gun since.
I loved my father.