Pass the bread to Ezra,
will you, Brad?
What's the matter
with old Miss Johnson?
She kicked the bucket.
She didn't kick the bucket.
She passed away.
My Miss Johnson?
My old Sunday School teacher?
- The very same one.
- I don't believe that.
It's right here
in today's paper.
Here it is.
The funeral was this afternoon.
That lady taught me
all through Sunday School...
and in the sixth grade.
Taught Ez, too.
Remember that, Ez,
back in sixth grade?
Used to call her
"old flannel face."
Remember that, Ez?
No, sir.
Yeah, that's her, all right.
Here. Remember her, Ez?
Oh, that's...
that's old Miss Johnson there.
What's she doing
in the newspaper?
Dang it, Ez,
I just told you she's dead.
You mean they put her
in the paper...
just 'cause she's dead?
What's the matter with you, Ez?
That's her danged obituary.
Her what?
Don't tell me you don't know
what's an obituary.
If that don't beat all.
Well, look, when a body dies,
they take all the information...
and they put it in the newspaper
in the obituary section.
It tells when the funeral is...
and where they're being buried
and all that kind of stuff.
You mean I can find out...
where and when
somebody's been buried...
on the very same day?
Light at the end of
the tunnel, all right.
Yes, sirree, you're right, Ez.
Well, I'm gonna look into that.
I'd rather read
the sports section, myself.
Not me. This here could be
real valuable information.
Why? What are you planning
to do... dig 'em up or something?
No, sir.
Wouldn't have to dig it all up.
Well, I'm sure glad
to hear that.
Sure. Why dig it all up when you
can take the parts you need?
Sure, maybe like...
like if you needed the head
for repairs or something...
well, then,
just take the head.