Hello there.
What seems to be the trouble?
Oh, hello, Ez.
Some goddamn putz
slashed my goddamn tires...
that's the trouble.
Can you believe it?
Oh, boy. They sure do a job
on 'em, don't they? Yes, sir.
You know,
kids are like that today...
just as dirty as they can be.
Always doing dirty things
like that and carrying on.
Just plain dirty,
no other word for it.
Look, Ez, could you
just give me a lift...
down the filling station
or something, huh?
Why, sure, if you want me to.
OK, thanks a lot.
I really appreciate it.
Sure, any little thing, Mary...
anything I can do.
Hey, hey.
You just took a wrong turn.
That's the way to town.
Yes'm, it was.
Well, just turn around
and go back.
- How come?
- How come?
Because that's where I have
to go, that's how come.
Look, where do you think
you're going, anyway?
My place.
Oh, the hell you are!