Bineinteles, n-as vrea sa ramin
intepenit in toata grasimea aia.
Poate n-o sa mai reusesc sa ies.
Asa ca firesc, o sa-mi iau
masuri de protectie.
Stii ceea ce ma
Nu cred ca este, uh...
stii, sanatoasa
la cap.
Intelegi ce vreau sa spun?
Herbert vrea sa-mi
vorbeasca in seara aceasta.
Simt asta.
Tot ce trebuie sa facem...
este sa ne concentram.
Poti sa te concentrezi, Ez?
Of course, I'd hate to get
stuck in all of that fat.
Might not be able to get out.
So naturally, I'll take some
protection along just in case.
You know the only thing
that bothers me?
I don't think she's, uh...
you know, all there
in the upstairs.
Know what I mean?
Herbert wants
to talk to me tonight.
I can feel it.
All we have to do...
is concentrate.
Can you concentrate, Ez?