A whole new world...
with a black man or a Turk perhaps...
or even a Chinese.
Even a Chinese.
How well you guess!
Possibly we do still have one.
We certainly used to have one.
He's dead now and buried
in a little fenced-off plot of earth...
right next to the churchyard.
lf you're not afraid, l'll show you...
his grave sometime.
lt lies among the dunes...
surrounded by marram grass
and a few immortelles.
And always the sound of the sea.
lt's very beautiful...
but also rather eerie.
Yes, eerie...
and l'd like to know more about it.
Then again, maybe not.
lf l hope to sleep well tonight,
l won't want to see a Chinese by my bed.
How you spoil your poor little Effi!
A grand piano, and this rug...
l do believe it's Turkish.
And the bowl with fish, and the jardiniƩre!
l'm being spoiled on all sides!
The master was quite right.
''Up with the lark''
was my parents' motto, too.