The district councillor said that?
The councillor and your dear self...
are, if l may say so, ma'am...
the perfect match of two kind persons.
For l know what your husband is like...
and l can see how you are, ma'am.
l hope your eyes don't deceive you.
l'm so very young...
-and youth--
-Ah, my dear lady...
don't say anything against youth.
with all its faults...
is something beautiful and engaging.
Whereas age...
for all its virtues...
is not worth much.
Personally, l can't say much on the matter.
About age, l can, but not about youth...
because l was never really young.
People like me...
are never young.
That is the saddest thing of all.
One has no pluck.
One lacks self-confidence.
The years go by...
one grows old...
and life was meagre...
and empty.
Oh, you shouldn't say such things!
We women are not that bad.
No, of course not.
GieshuebIer wouId have Iiked
to decIare his Iove...
and, Iike EI Cid or some other hero...
sought her permission
to fight and die for her.
Since this was not possibIe
and his heart couId bear no more...
he stood up, Iooked for his hat,
which he found at once...