''since I shaII have new Iife
and distraction about me...
''or, as Geert puts it, 'a precious toy.'
''Those are probabIy the right words,
but he shouIdn't use them.
''They're Iike a stab in the heart...
''and remind me how young I am...
''and that I'm scarceIy out of the nursery.''
-Who was she?
-Registrar Rode's widow.
l always imagined
registrars' widows to be poor.
So they are as a rule.
She was an exception.
She was altogether a very peculiar woman...
sickly and weak on her legs.
That's why she had a woman servant
strong enough...
to protect and carry her
if anything happened.
l've seen her.
Kind brown eyes
with a frank and honest look.
-But a bit simple.
-That's right.
To shake off her sense
of coIdness and duIIness...
she feIt the desire to go for a Ionger waIk.
And her doctor had toId her
that exercise in the fresh air...
was the best thing for her condition.
What is your name?
That's an uncommon name. lt must be....
You're right, ma'am.
lt's a Catholic name.
And l am a Catholic.