Effi Briest

lnnstetten is a man of honour.
He is indeed.
And he loves me.
Of course he does.
And where there's love, it will be returned.
That's how things are.
l'm just surprised he hasn't taken
time off for a quick visit.

-When one has such a young wife--
-lnnstetten is so conscientious...

and wants to stand high in favour.
Kessin is just a stepping stone.
And anyway...

l won't run away from him.
l belong to him.
lf one is too affectionate
with such an age difference...

people just laugh.
Yes, they do, Effi.
But one has to live with that.
By the way, don't mention it to anyone...
not even to your mother.
lt's hard to know what to do.
And it's much too vast a subject.
lsn't that Crampas coming?
And from the beach?
Surely he hasn't been bathing
on September 27th!

He often does things like that.
Just showing off!
Good morning.
Come in!
Please forgive me...
for not receiving you
with all due ceremony...

but 10:00 a.m. is an ungodly hour.
One is informal, not to say familiar.
Take a seat...
and tell us what you have been up to.
Judging by your hair...
