Heine's writing pulses with life.
Above all, he understands love...
and that is the main thing.
But he's not one-sided in this.
What do you mean?
He's not just on the side of love.
Well, even if he were...
there are worse things.
What else is he in favour of?
He's a strong adherent of romance...
which comes close behind love.
Some people regard them as identical.
Major, please excuse my thumbs
when l give you the sandwiches.
As long as you don't give me
the thumbs down!
At Don Pedro's court,
was a dark, handsome Spanish knight...
who wore the Cross of Calatrava
on his breast.
This knight, whom the queen
secretly loved, of course--
-Why, ''of course''?
-Because we're in Spain.
Oh, l see.
This knight had a magnificent hound.
This had all been going on for some time...
and the secret love affair
was no longer really a secret.
Unable to bear it anymore...
and because he didn't like
the Knight of Calatrava anyway...
the king was not only cruel...
but consumed by envy.
He decided to have the knight
secretly murdered...
for his secret love.
l can't say l blame him.
Well, just listen to what follows!
ln some ways, the king was right...
but he went much too far.
Allegedly in honour of
the knight's heroic exploits...