and set a cut-off head
at the unoccupied place.
And over the head of the knight,
his hound stared...
at the person opposite...
the king.
The dog had accompanied his master
on his final journey...
and at the moment...
the axe descended...
the trusty animal
had seized the falling head.
There he was, our friend...
sitting at the banqueting table...
accusing the royal murderer.
Effi was content...
and gIad they had agreed...
to discontinue their excursions together
for the rest of the winter.
When she considered what had
been discussed and intimated...
during aII those days and weeks...
she couId find nothing that wouId
directIy occasion seIf-reproach.
Was it the major's plan?
Yes. As you know,
he was elected unanimously...
to the entertainments committee.
We can look forward to
a pleasant winter at the club.
He's ideal for the position.
will he be acting as well?
He declined to do that...
He could play Arthur von Schmettwitz
quite excellently.
He's just directing.
All the worse.
All the worse?
Oh, don't take me too seriously.
lt's just a way of saying the opposite, really.
On the other hand...
there's something forceful about the major.