Either it was unrequited love,
or it might have been requited...
and the Chinaman couldn't bear
the thought that it was suddenly all over.
The Chinese are human beings as well.
They feel everything just as we do.
-l need the leather varnish.
-l'll bring it out to you, Kruse.
Everything as we do.
There's a time and place for everything.
But that business with the Chinaman
is very strange.
lt's a load of nonsense.
And instead of attending
to what's important...
my wife talks about things like that.
When l need a clean shirt,
there's a button missing.
Then there's the black chicken!
lt doesn't even lay eggs.
And anyway...
how should it lay eggs?
lt doesn't even get out.
You men are worse than one thinks.
l ought to take the brush...
and paint your moustache.
l could accept that from you, Roswitha.
l must remind you
that Kruse is a married man.
l know, ma'am.
One knows so many things
and behaves as if one didn't.