He's the best of husbands...
a bit too old and too good for her.
But now the worst is over.
That was the expression she used...
and it rather surprised me.
Why? lt may not be
the best of expressions, but....
There's something behind it...
which she wanted to allude to.
You think so?
Yes, Briest.
You think butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.
But you're wrong.
She likes to drift with the current...
and if the current is good, so is she.
Fighting and resistance
are not her strong points.
She recaIIed the day...
scarceIy two years before...
when the visitor had come...
and she had cIimbed
the steps beside the bench...
and an hour Iater she was betrothed.
Images of her Iife in Kessin
rose unbidden before her inward eye.
There was Crampas coming to greet her...
then Roswitha with the baby.
She took the chiId,
heId her up and kissed her.
''That was the first day,
when everything had begun.''
The nearby cIock began to strike...
and Effi counted the strokes.
''This time tomorrow, I'II be in BerIin.
''It's our wedding anniversary.
''He'II say nice things,
an affectionate word perhaps...
''and I shaII sit and Iisten...
''with guiIt weighing on my souI.
''Yes, it is there...
''but does it weigh on my souI?
No, it doesn't...
''and that's what frightens me about myseIf.
''What weighs on me is something different.
''Fear, a mortaI dread...