Effi Briest

''that aII wiII be discovered.
''And on top of the fear, I feeI ashamed.
''But I don't feeI true repentance.
Nor do I feeI true shame.

''I'm tormented by fear
and ashamed of the whoIe web of Iies.

''But I feeI no shame for my guiIt,
or not properIy and not enough...

''and that is what's destroying me.
''If women are Iike that, it's terribIe!
''And if they're not, as I hope,
things are iII with me.

''Then something's wrong with my souI.
I Iack the right sentiments.

''OId Niemeyer once said to me...
''when I was onIy a chiId...
''that it's important to have
the right sentiments.

''If one had them,
one wouId be spared the worst.

''If one didn't have them,
one Iived in constant danger...

''and what peopIe caII 'the deviI'
wouId have you in his power.

''MercifuI God, is that how I am?''
She Iaid her head on her arms
and wept bitterIy.

l thought you might not keep your word.
Really, Geert! That's the least l can do.
Don't say that. lt's not always easy.
Sometimes one can't. Just think back.
l was expecting you back in Kessin,
after you'd rented the apartment...

and who didn't come? Effi.
That was something different.
Our life in Berlin is just beginning, Effi.
ln April, when we moved in...
the season was coming to an end.
We hardly had time to pay our calls.
And Woellersdorf...
