''Not because we couIdn't bear to bid
fareweII to what one caIIs 'society.'
''No, that's not the reason.
''But we have to make our position cIear...
''and show the worId
that we condemn your actions...
''the actions of our one and onIy daughter
whom we Iove so dearIy.''
After receiving her parent's
Ietter of refusaI...
and taking the train back to BerIin...
Effi did not at first
move into an apartment of her own.
She sought Iodgings in a boarding house
with reasonabIe success.
Do you remember how Gieshuebler came
and had to join us at table...
and said he'd never eaten
anything so delicious?
He was always so well-mannered.
ln fact, he was the only person
who knew anything about food.
The others said everything was nice.
Have you thought it over?
You've had it good all these years.
There was always enough.
We never had to think about saving.
But now l have to economize.
l am poor.
All l have is what l receive
from Hohen-Cremmen.
My parents are very good to me...
as far as their means allow...
but they're not wealthy.
What do you say?
May l move in next Saturday
with my suitcase?