now fiIIed her with mortaI fear.
What shouId she do?
She opened the door to the front pIatform,
where onIy the driver stood...
and asked him to Iet her get off at the front.
''Not aIIowed, miss, '' the driver said...
but she gave him a coin
and such a pIeading Iook...
that the good-hearted man
reIented and muttered.:
''ShouIdn't reaIIy,
but aII right, just this once.''
And he removed the grating,
and Effi jumped down.
She's half one and half the other.
ln her prettiness, her specialness...
she takes after her mother...
but she has her seriousness...
from her father.
All things considered,
she's probably more like the master.
Thank goodness!
Well, ma'am, that's the question.
Many would be more
in favour of the mother.
You think so, Roswitha?
l don't.
You can't pull the wool over my eyes...
and l think my mistress knows
the truth of the matter...
and what men really want.
Let's not talk about that, Roswitha!
Effi was oppressed by the notion...
of having run away from her own chiId.
''l'm delighted to be able
to tell you the good news.
''lt worked out as we hoped.
Your husband is a man of the world...
''and would not refuse a lady's request.
''At the same time,
l should not conceal the fact from you.
''His consent was evidently
not in accordance...
''with what he considered wise and proper.
''But let's not find fault
when we should be rejoicing.
''lt was agreed that your Annie
should visit you at lunch time.