l don't know.
We have the preacher again now.
Whom you all like?
Yes. Two girls in the first class
want to convert.
l see.
That's good.
And how is Johanna?
Johanna brought me here.
l shouldn't keep her waiting too long.
You're very considerate,
and l suppose l should be glad.
lt's all a matter of apportioning things.
Now tell me how Rollo is.
Rollo's very well.
But Papa says he's getting lazy,
always lying in the sun.
l can believe it.
He was like that when you were very young.
Tell me, Annie...
-will you come and see me often?
-Certainly, if l may.
We could go for a stroll
in Prince Albert Gardens.
Certainly, if l may.
Or go to Schilling's and eat ice cream.
Pineapple and vanilla were your favourites.
Certainly, if l may.
l think it's time for you to go.
Johanna will be getting impatient.
Roswitha, go with Annie
as far as the church!
Johanna's waiting there.
Let's hope she hasn't caught cold.
Give my regards to Johanna.
Oh, God in heaven,
forgive me for what l've done!
l was a child.
No, l wasn't a child anymore.
l was old enough to know what l was doing.
l don't want to diminish my guilt.