But this is too much!
What is happening with the child...
is not You, God, punishing me. lt is he...
and he alone.
And l thought he had a noble heart!
l always felt small beside him.
But now l know it's he...
who is small and petty.
And because he's petty, he's cruel.
Everything that's petty is cruel.
He taught the child to behave like that.
He was always a schoolmaster.
That's what Crampas called him...
sarcastically perhaps, but he was right.
''Certainly, if l may''!
You don't have to ask if you ''may'' anymore.
l don't want either of you.
l hate you both...
even my own child.
Too much is too much!
He was ambitious...
and that was all.
Honour, honour, honour...
and then he shoots the poor man dead,
whom l didn't even love.
Nothing but stupidity...
and then blood...
and murder.
And l'm to blame.
Now he sends me my child...
because he can't refuse a minister's wife.