Female Trouble

I like it
As long as I'm
Grabbing a headline
Ah ha ha, yeah
I got lots
Of problems
Good morning, Dawn.
-Hey, I like that skirt.

My old lady's supposed to
get me one for Christmas...

if she's not too dumb
to find it.

Oh, Concetta,
I know what you mean.

My parents better get me
them cha-cha heels I asked for.

That's all I can say.
Hey, hon,
you got any Spray Net?

My hair is fallin' right down
right off my head.

Sure, hon.
You do your Geography homework?
Fuck no. Fuck homework.
Who cares if we fail?

I wanna quit,
and I am right after I get...

my Christmas presents.

Miss Friar,
are you hard-of-hearing?

Stand up, please.
What on earth are you wearing?
This is not Halloween.
It's just a skirt and sweater.
Button those buttons,
young lady.

I bet your mother didn't
see you dressed like that.

It's hot in here.
That will be all.
This is a classroom...

not a cocktail lounge,
Miss Friar.

Take this dress code
violation slip home...

and have it signed
by your parents.

And take that gum
out of your mouth!

For the 10th time!
If I catch you with gum
in your mouth one more time...
