Female Trouble

you will be in detention
for a month.

Do you understand?
I understand, Mr. Weinberger.
You're late, young ladies!
And I'll now report you
on this late slip.

I had you marked absent.
Now, class...before letting you
go for the holiday season...

we're going to have
a pop quiz.

When called on, stand,
answer the question.

If you are correct,
it'll be duly recorded.

If you are wrong,
a small red "F"...

will be placed next to
your name in my roll book.

All right, let's begin.
Jude Fine, true or false?
Baltimore was once capital
of the United States.

True, true.
True, Miss Jude Fine.

You must have been
talking on the phone...

instead of doing
your homework last night.

It was the capital for 2 months
during the Revolutionary War.

That's two red Fs for you
in just one week.

It looks like you'll
be getting a deficiency.

What is it, Miss Holland?
Mr. Weinberger, Dawn Davenport
is eating a meatball sandwich...

right out in class,
and she's been passing notes.

I was not eating.
I got a knife here
in my pocketbook...

and I'm gonna
cut you up after class.

Stop this, immediately!
Now they're threatening me,
these awful, cheap girls.

My mother told me
to report this kind of thing.

I'm trying to get an education.
All of you, stop it!
Dawn Davenport, stand up!
I'm trying to get
an education...

so I can get
into a good college!

It's not fair!
That will be all.
