What are these?
Those are
your new shoes, Dawn.
Those aren't the right kind.
I told you cha-cha heels!
Black ones.
Nice girls don't
wear cha-cha heels.
Give me those presents.
I'll never wear
those ugly shoes.
I told you the kind I wanted.
You've ruined my Christmas.
Please, Dawn, not on Christmas!
Get off me, you ugly witch.
You devil! Come here!
You'll pay for this!
You devil, Dawn Davenport!
Look at your mother.
Leave me alone!
You're such a devil!
Don't touch me! Lay off me!
I hate you. Fuck you!
Fuck you both, you awful people.
You're not my parents!
I hate you.
I hate this house,
and I hate Christmas.
Not on Christmas.
Not on Christmas.
Get back in here,
Dawn Davenport!
You're going to
a home for girls!
That's where
we're gonna put you!
I'm calling the juvenile
authorities, right now!
Have a merry, merry,
merry, merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Have a hap, hap, hap,
hap, happy holiday
Merry Christmas
Get yourself into a glow
Underneath the mistletoe
Get in, sugar dumplin'.