To think that my genes
were polluted by your birth...
is not a very pleasant thought.
Oh, how could
I call you my mother?
I wish I'd been an orphan!
You can tell she's retarded.
Look at her face.
She has the face
of an old woman.
Oh, it's true.
Look in the mirror, Taffy.
For 14, you don't look so good.
It's because you've been
such a brat all your life...
that now, all that brattishness
is showing in your face...
the face of a retarded brat.
Yes, sirree, that's a real time
warp of a face you got there.
What do you know
about anything?
Some of the faces I've seen you
with could stop a train.
Give me $10.
Awfully demanding, aren't you?
Give me $10,
or I'm calling the police.
It's as simple as that.
And don't think I'd hesitate to
put you two slobs behind bars...
for the rest of your lives.
What would you do with $10?
Writing a book, hippie?
Why don't you go listen
to some folk music...
and give me a break?!
Taffy Davenport!
Give her the money.
You heard me!
I said give her the $10.
You digging it, baby?
Real funny, Gator!
You should have seen your face.
I've had it with you!
Why don't you just get out?
Go back to your fat aunt
and leave me alone!
I got off on it.
I really got off on it.
Oh, did you?
Well, hip, hip, hooray...
for your cheap climax.
What about me, fuck face?!
Some pitiful excuse for
a husband you turned out to be.
Why don't you just go
take your fucking tool kit...
and go fuck a garage?
I'm gonna get my hair done.
I couldn't help it.
If you could have seen
the expression on your face.