Female Trouble

Hi, Dawn.
It's me, Chicklette.

I can't wait
to see your new face.

I hear it's stunning.
It's Concetta, Dawn.
I'm so jealous.

Everybody tells me
you're the prettiest now.

Dribbles here. I hope
that fart of a doctor...

hasn't been giving you
any trouble.

It's Wink. I can't wait...
to do your hair, doll.
Oh, thank you, honey.
Thanks to everyone.

It's Butter, baby.
You'll be a goddess...

with this new face,
a goddess of order...

to protect all
your children in crime.

I want to see it. Nurse! Nurse!
Remove my bandages.
She asked me to remind you...
that she is, of course,
without makeup.

Oh, that's all right.
We understand, Dawn.
Don't worry about makeup.
Ooh, slowly, nurse. Slowly.
I want perfect focus.
I can smell flesh.
God, I could faint,
I'm so excited.

It's just like
an art opening.

Christ, I wish
it'd happen to me.

Just think of how it
would look with my hair.

I'm getting a hard-on.
Beauty always
gives me a hard-on.

Aim it the other way, then,

You know how
I detest organs.

Beauty has
absolutely nothing...

to do with that word...
that thing you have there...
hanging like
an obscene pickle.

Spare me your anatomy.
There it is.
One hell of a rotten face.
It's beautiful.
It's beautiful.

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
Makes the Mona Lisa...
Iook like a number painting.
Acid does
what Eterna 27 cannot.

I'll say.
Your face,
for the world to see.

Breathtakingly beautiful.
Give her a mirror.
Let her see the miracle.
Beauty, beauty, look at you.
I wish to God I had it, too.
Pretty pretty?
Look what we've bought you.
