Oh! A portrait!
You are both so good to me!
Ever since I met you...
my life's been like a vacation!
Look! A little stage!
Specially built,
Dawn, all for you.
All for the model of the year.
We've been hoping
for a rather insane...
camera session.
Come on. I'm ready.
I'm just in the mood...
for a red-hot camera session!
Slowly, Dawn, slowly.
You'll give me a heart attack.
Let me give you
some medicine.
What kind, Donald?
Is it a beauty treatment?
Yes, Dawn, exactly.
It's eyeliner--
liquid eyeliner.
We cooked it down this morning.
It won't hurt. Nothing hurts.
Have you ever mainlined?
No, but I will.
Keep taking those pictures...
and I'll do it.
Come on! Shoot me!
Feel it in your blood?
Caressing your corpuscles,
the wonders of liquid eyeliner.
Say it! Say, "Liquid eyeliner!"
Liquid eyeliner!
Model! Model!
Give us something twisted.
Give us something warm.
I'm glad I met you!
I love crime, too...
especially the excitement
of getting away with it!
These photos will be art!
Hard-core art.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
I'll model for eternity for you.
Just let me hear
the click of that camera.
Just think of it,
house robbing, new gowns...
murder, scars, fingerprints...
You're missing the best part.
Wake up.
She hasn't received
all of her gifts, yet.
Beauty, eyeliner--
Oh, forgive me, Donald.
It was really
just too much for me.