Powerful strokes.
People used to wonder
how that little body...
could churn through
the water that way.
I'll let you in on something, Tonto.
I have a great fear of pain.
I would rather go... like that...
than suffer for a long time.
Oh, how Annie suffered.
The suffering was worse
than the dying.
I dreaded seeing her in the morning.
She never complained.
Never complained.
That was my specialty.
Hell, you know, you never
really feel somebody's suffering.
You only feel their death.
Just act normal, kiddo.
Just act normal.
- You have a driver's license?
- Yes, sir.
- Hop in. Take over the wheel.
- Ah, Jesus loves you.
"James, the son of Alphaeus...
"Simon the Canaanean...
"and Judas Iscariot...
"who betrayed him.
"These 12 Jesus sent out...
"charging them,
'Go nowhere among the gentiles...
"'and to no town
of the Samaritans...
"'but go rather to the lost sheep
of the house of Israel...
"'preaching as you go...