He said, "Westmoreland,
I-I see you have a new job.''
He said, "I hope you appreciate
that this new assignment...
is filled with opportunities,
but fraught with hazards.''
And indeed, uh,
this was a prophetic statement.
It can be described much like, uh...
a-a-a singer doing an aria...
that's totally into what he's doing,
you know, totally feeling it.
He knows the aria,
and he's experiencing the aria.
And he knows his limits, and he knows
whether he's doing it and doing it well.
Flying an aircraft
can be a great deal like that.
What's a race driver feel like?
Why does a guy want to drive
in the Indianapolis 500?
I guess, perhaps, the risk of dying,
being killed is part of it
that makes it thrilling.
[Floyd] I can tell when the aircraft
feels right, when it"s about to stall.
I can tell when I can"t
pull another fraction of a pound...
or the airplane will stall,
flip out and spin on me.
I would follow a pathway on something
like a TV screen in front of me...
that would direct me
right, left or center--
follow the steering,
keep the steering symbol, uh, centered.
I'd see a little attack light
when we'd stepped into attack.
I could pull the "commit'' switch
on my stick,
and the computer took over.
A computer figured out the ballistics,
the airspeed, the slant range...
and dropped the bombs
when we got to the appropriate point,
in whichever kind of attack
we"d selected,
whether it was flying straight and level
or tossing our bombs out.
So it was very much of
a technical expertise thing.