[Man On P.A.] "We hold these truths
to be self-evident.
That all men are created equal.
That they are endowed by their creator
with certain unalienable rights.
That among these are life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness. "
And when you judge the Revolution
and the problems and the success we had,
it was a two-way street.
A good many citizens
at the time of the Revolution...
actually stayed
and fought with the British.
It was close to being a civil war
in many areas.
You actually split
many-many families.
Thomas Jefferson said,
"The tree of revolution is--''
or "The tree of liberty is...
watered by the blood of revolution
every generation.''
And I think that's a little exaggerated,
but there's some truth to that.
[Man On P.A.] The war had come
to Westchester County,
but so too had independence
and a new responsibility.
Men are getting killed, men are killing.
That's the parallel.
As far as politics, are you kidding?
Oriental politics?
Don't put me on, man.
[Man] We haven"t found his weapon yet.
We"re still looking for it.
-[Man #2] You got a weapon?
- No, sir.
He had one, man.
This guy"s got ammo.
[Man #3]
I"m planning to medivac this guy.
[Talking, Indistinct]
The people who are living in the jungle,
under the bombs, without pay,
without their families,
are doing so because
they are fighting for independence.
Because they"re fighting,
in this case, for unification...
and they"re fighting for revolution.
-[Man On Radio, Indistinct]
- [Moaning]
[Moaning Louder]
Of course,
the name for a conflict...
in which you're opposing a revolution
is counter-revolution.
And this is something
We never admitted to ourselves at all.
It's-It's what we were really doing.
The letters and the reports we had...
on Ho Chi Minh"s attitude
back in 1946--