the biggest game of all
that surrounds us: the game of life.
May you be winners.
Winners in the big game.
But even more importantly,
winners in the biggest game of all,
which we all play.
Let us pray.
- [Yelling]
-****[Marching Band]
That"s a touchdown.
Because we got our kids
geared to crack like hell.
- [Shouting, Indistinct]
-[Man On P.A.] Holding, number 3 7.
- We're number one!
- ** ["Star-Spangled Banner'']
[Man] You got to tell them
they"re number one, no matter what.
- You"re number one.
-[Woman, Indistinct]
Wow. Why don"t you just say "wow"?
-Say what?
- "Toy hoy'' means "wow"?
- Toy hoy?
- Yeah.
Like, toy hoy means,
like, wow, you know?
- Look at the hickeys I gave this chick.
- You gave her hickeys?
- Yeah.
- I can imagine. Where?
- Uh, one on each side.
-[Man Laughing]
- It"s a place where she can"t hide "em.
- Oh, really?
- See, this one? I gave her this one.
- [Speaking Vietnamese]
And this one,
this is the first one right there.
- It came out kind of nasty, you know.
- [Speaking Vietnamese]
- And-- No can do, I know.
- Maybe he's dead.
- He's not dead. Wake him up.
-[Woman] No can wakey up.
- Wakey him up. He no hard.
- Huh? Why he's no hard?
- Uh-huh.
- 'Cause you no wake him up.
Hey, Charles.
You getting anything out of yours?
This one's, uh, kind of sour on me,
you know? Uh--