- So you think it's goofy?
- Of course. Don't you?
How would you like
to go for a little ride?
- I thought you didn't like me.
- I'd like you to ride in Herbie.
I'd like that very much.
Well, that's very nice of you.
I'll be ready in a minute.
Alright, Herbie. Let's get going.
You're an intelligent young woman.
Why do you pretend to talk
to this car? People might wonder.
Don't listen, Herbie. Move it.
Mrs.. Steinmetz thinks of this car as
a person. Old age has its fantasies.
It proves she needs Mr. Hawk's help.
- Remember, Alonzo Hawk sent him.
- You and I know better.
You stubborn bucket of bolts.
You always do things your way!
Let's stop kidding ourselves.
This is an ordinary car,
like a million other
ordinary, rather unattractive...
You shouldn't say that,
Herbie's sensitive about his looks.
You've had your laugh.
You ought to stop now.
He won't stop until you say sorry.
What upsets me most is
you trying to maintain the fiction...
- Please, tell Herbie you're sorry.
- Alright. Herbie, I'm sorry.
Well, what do you think now?
I think you're a very skilful driver,
but I don't want you
to drive me again.
- You think it's a trick?
- Yes. I think it's all a trick.
Well, would you like to drive?
- Yes.
- Good.