Herbie Rides Again

I'm glad you're taking it like this.
You should
leave Mrs.. Steinmetz alone.

Why you...!
Don't worry,
you'll feel better in the morning.

Don't talk like an idiot!
I feel better now.

Alonzo Hawk may be betrayed, but he
is never defeated. Out of my way!

Since none of you pitiful
excuses for men have the muscle

to move a feeble old lady,
I'll do it myself,

like I have to do everything.
- Now, now...
- Shut up!

We'll start on number one,
harassment. I wrote the book on it.

Shut off her phone,
turn off her water,

sic the health and building
inspectors on her.

- Steal her dog!
- She doesn't have a dog.

She doesn't have a dog? A little old
lady in a place like that?

Who looks out for her?
How does she get around?

She has a little car she uses.
- Well, go and pick it up!
- Yes, Mr. Hawk.

Bunch of lame brains. Hold it!
You fellas will probably even foul up
this simple assignment.

The first team is on the job now.
I'll get the car myself.

Overeducated pinheads!
Gentlemen, take notes.
Learn how the grown-ups do it.

You may be unaware of it,
but I began my fabulous career
as a repossessor of motorcars.

At the tender age of 1 9, I was
the best-known repossessor of cars

west of the Mississippi.
Hot-Wire Hawk, they called me.

Observe, gentlemen.
Screwdriver, pair of pliers,

and a piece of wire.
Now check your watches!

I will return
with the object of my mission
