Idi Amin Dada

taking with them the strict minimum,
and, on the other hand,
distributing their business to Ugandans.

Today, the economic war
has not yet been won.

Distribution chains and imports
have been disrupted.

The country's foreign reserves
are at their lowest.

In the capital,
it is almost impossible...

to find sugar, flour,
imported industrial products,

spare parts or matches.
Uganda holds the record
for inflation in Africa.

In one year, prices have risen
from 20 to 50%.

On February 10th, 1972,
to set an example and to combat
budding guerilla warfare,

General Amin organized
12 public executions...

at the same time
in the country's main towns.

Most observers agree...
that several thousand
Ugandans have disappeared...

since General Amin seized power.
Among the missing:
The vice dean of the university,

the president of the high court,
doctors and former ministers.

In 1973, the International
Commission ofJurists...

published a report denouncing
Uganda as a lawless country,

and it wrote about
the missing personalities:

"There is every reason to think
that they have been assassinated...

by members of the army
immediately after their arrest."

The whole worlds
are looking at General Amin...
