there is more crocodile
than anywhere in the world.
This place.
[Speaks Swahili]
We say, "How are you?"
Very good.
He is eating.
He is greeting me also.
And even this crocodile
is looking at us.
- Can I ask you to move?
- [Indistinct Chatter]
Uh? Oh, we still want to watch it.
[Speaking Swahili]
- You want me to ask it to move?
- [Woman] Yes.
You see, it open this...
so that the... ants...
can go into the mouth
and then it eats.
That's why it doesn't want
to be disturbed.
He is sleeping.
And most of them, they lay
their eggs under this places.
Down there.
[Man] You was telling us
that you think the Nile...
is a link between your country,
Sudan and Egypt.
But for ages, it has been the problem
between the Arabs and the Africans.
The negros.
What do you think of that?
Yes. It has been because
the leaders of Arabs...
before, they were not
revolutionary leaders.
But today,
during my time
as a revolutionary leader,