Idi Amin Dada

And you as a minister,
you must back them completely.

If you find any man trying to not
to obey the order and everything,

you can punish that person.
You can remove that person.
You can put loyal people to her
to see that we keep up standard.

I think we are the first
in our country, in Africa today,

who have got many woman managers
than other countries.

We have got how many?
- Manager woman.
- [Man] Four.

We have got four manager,
and we have got another two
assistant manager.

And another point here
I wanted to say.

There is C.I.A. Agents
through Africa...

African, black Africans...
who are coming here.

And you should know
that spy is criminal.

To be an spy is very bad.
And your case is death,
completely... sentence.

This I must make it absolutely clear.
If I found anybody is a spy,
and any spy is found
and anybody he is coming in this cover...

See, I want you to see
that everybody must be checked...

his poll-tax...
for about three or five years.
And if he is found to be spy,
his case is firing squad.
He must be handed
straight to military police,

must be dealt
with the military tribunal...

because the case of spying
is very serious.

Anybody found is a spy,
his case must be dealt
with military tribunals.

Once he is confirmed,
even military tribunals
should not waste time...
