When asked if it was true that
the Israelis wanted to poison the Nile,
General Amin replied that
they had indeed wanted...
to do so while they were still
in Uganda.
[Reporter Speaking In French]
They can poison the water...
River Nile... from Uganda...
so that the people who will be drinking
in the other end, they will die.
General Amin remarked that
the plans of the Israelis...
were even more disgusting
than Hitler's against theJews.
[French Continues]
it has been the true on my side.
Because some people dream
which is not the truth.
But I dream the truth.
I dream, when I was still...
just none, nothing, completely,
I will be the army commander.
I am commander of the highest man...
commander in chief of the armed forces.
I dream I will be the head of state...
and the most highest
head of state in the world...
when I was just none...
and it became truth.
I dream completely in Karamonja,
in August the fourth,
at about 5:00 in the morning,
that, if you take decision now...
and remove the whole noncitizens...
who are being milking
the economy of Uganda,
this is the only chance Uganda will get.
You must take immediate actions.
I left the place without breakfast,
and I went and declare economic war.
And it is true.
Today, the people
in Uganda are enjoying.
This is the truth. I dream about,
before end of 1975,
Arabs will win the war.
[Man] I think I read did you dream
people were trying to kill you?
I dream, but it was impossible.
They couldn't do it.