Before we move on, I wonder, Mr. Porter...
will you please clarify your company's
intentions in this matter?
Your course of action.
We intend to wait for Juggernaut's call...
note his instructions, and pay the ransom.
- What would you suggest?
- Not paying the ransom.
We're well aware of the risks, Mr. Porter.
But it is the view
of Her Majesty's government...
the view, the policy, the determination...
to resist extortion by terror.
It isn't a hasty decision.
It's the result of a long series
of similar situations...
both at home and abroad.
It's a simple question of responsibility.
Responsibility to ourselves
and to other governments.
Responsibility to 1,200 people
aboard my ship, that's my responsibility.
I take the point,
but we can't consider this case in isolation.
If you take a broad enough view,
you can justify anything.
Let us examine the broad view.
Sovereign Line...
a firm that has received substantial
government subsidies...
and a $20 million loan.
- Do you buy my conscience with a subsidy?
- No.
But we have the right
to your understanding.
And if we proceed regardless
and pay the ransom?
That's your right, in a free democracy.
To coin a phrase.