Hercules, this is Britannic. Over.
Britannic this is Hercules. Over.
When your men are ready to jump,
we'll try to give them a smooth sea.
I'll make a lee off our port beam.
Do you read? Over.
Yes, I read you, Britannic. Over.
We've launched our pick-up boat
about 500 yards off our port quarter.
Do you see her? Over.
Yes, we see her, Britannic. Over.
- You're a good navigator, aren't you?
- Good? I'm a perfect navigator.
Are you a good jumper?
Stay and watch.
- Turn 1-8-0.
- 1-8-0, sir.
1-8-0, helmsman.
This is my second trip...
and I've never seen anything like it before.
All right, chaps.
Double somersault with a twist.
Try not to think about it.
Green light. Good luck, jumpers.
Christ! Bloody mask!