in which Lancelot of the Lake
played a heroic part,
the Knights of the Round Table
set off in search of the Grail.
The Grail was a vessel
in which Joseph of Arimathea
had gathered the blood of Christ.
lt was to bestow supernatural power.
lt was believed hidden in Brittany.
Merlin, before his death,
pledged the knights to the quest.
Merlin had indicated
that the quest should be led
by Perceval (Parsifal),
not by Lancelot.
After leaving the castle,
the knights were dispersed.
Perceval was not seen again.
Two years have passed.
Decimated, the knights return
to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere.
They have not found the Grail.
He whose footfalls precede him
will die within a year.
- Even if they're his horse's steps?
- Even then.
You said that
of those who passed yesterday.
lt is the same omen for them all.
l've lost my way.
This is Escalot.