Lancelot du Lac

Remain united; forget your quarrels;
cultivate friendship.

What says Arthur?
That we breathe poisoned air
but that you will change poison
into balm.

Why me?
He always calls on you for help,
for a miracle.

His words have stayed with me all day.
Which words?
All. ''Perfect yourselves.''
You have devoted your life to that,
hence your mastery in combat.

l must perfect myself otherwise,
but as for Mordred,

he won't come to us,
so we must go to him.

He is everything that you and l despise.
When he splashed you fording a river,
you said he offended your horse.

How he cringed before you.
l dislike weaklings.

They should be hanged.
The queen's room is lit.
What of it?
l wonder how many eyes watch that window
while they feign sleep.

ldle talk.
l've surprised Agravain, Guivret, Lucan.
Even Mordred dares.

Pay no heed. Go to bed.
