hugging and kissing
and liking somebody.
With guys, that doesn't enter into it.
Guys are detached.
You put a guy on a desert island,
he'll do it to mud.
A chicken. A barrel. Anything. A knothole.
lf you know this,
would you really feel hurt
if you came home and found your
husband on the bed with a chicken?
- ''A chicken. A chicken in our bed!''
- ''Oh, come on.''
''Don't touch me! You want your dinner,
get your chicken to get it for you.''
ln New York, it's illegal.
''Seeming sexual intercourse
with an animal, to wit, a chicken.''
That's the literal.
But how can you even fantasise it?
They're too short!
''How come you're alone?
Your chicken leave town?''
''Will you leave me alone already?
l was drunk. l met her in the yard.''
''Anyway, l was thinking of you
the whole time l was doing it.''
Do l have to stay in this thing?
l can walk, you know.
lt's the rules. Just as far as the door.
You don't wanna break the rules, do you?
Here we go.
OK, take it easy. Easy, easy.
- You OK?
- Mm-hm.
Goodbye, Mrs Bruce, Mr Bruce.
- Bye.
- lt's been nice meeting you both.
- Thanks for everything.
- Thanks a lot.
- You made it with her, didn't you?
- Deny it. Flat-out deny it!
lf you really love your wife, deny it.
lf they got pictures, deny it.
lt bugged me at first. You know, it hurt.
lf they walk in on you, deny it.
Say this chick came into the apartment
with a sign around her neck that said
''l have malaria. Lie on top of me and
keep me physically active or l'll die.''