- Wow.
- Before we're done with this town,
we'll have your jugs in cement
in front of Grauman's Chinese.
We bought pots and pans,
dishes and stuff like that,
and started setting up housekeeping.
lt was really terrific for a while, and then...
- Want to see a picture l took of Lenny?
- ''And then'' what?
(sighs) The double act
wasn't getting anywhere.
We'd gone through our savings pretty
fast, so l went back to work stripping,
and Lenny took whatever jobs he could.
We got in with this crowd and...
You know, show people, musicians,
stuff like that.
And they were all messing around,
fixing, stuff like that.
You do things on dope that normally
wouldn't come into your mind to do.
(Lenny) Why not?
(Honey) l just don't want to, that's all.
(Lenny) lt'll be nice.
(Honey) Why do you keep pushing
this, Lenny? You keep pushing.
(Lenny) l don't know.
A little excitement would be good for us.
(Honey) l don't think we can handle it.
(Lenny) Well, that's very unhip.
Maybe l'm not hip.
Do you love me?