Les Valseuses

Since we'll probably never
see you again...

...we'd like to ask you for a favor.
Come on...I'll be late to work.
Well, let's hear it...
We'd like to touch you for good luck.
OK, but make it quick!
I don't want any trouble at work.
I never heard about
it's being so lucky...

Sure it is!
Touching something dirty
brings good luck.

Like stepping in shit.
You bastards!
Sure you're in the right place, Sonny?
Got one for me?
Got a nice trim there around the ears...
Watch out or I'll trim yours!
Saturday haircut day?
No, I work on Saturdays.
Big shoplifting day.
I catch dozens of punks like you.
That's wonderful.
If everyone were that dedicated...
Bet you're an ace at Blackjack...
How'd you guess?
I know you inside out.
Lots of guys like you around.
They stick to you like flies
these days.

Looking for trouble?
No, just like a pair of jeans...
It's my brother's birthday.
