You're probably too filthy...
There's so much dirt...
...it'd take a bulldozer to dig it out.
Come on. It feels great...
I can't. I'll start bleeding again.
Well, how about your feet?
We could clean them up a bit.
Purify the air...
You'll be all right...
Stop worrying. It's all in your head...
...and you're getting obsessed...
Feels good, huh?
Feel any lighter?
You're real pretty!
You're almost desirable...
Hands off!
What hands?
Yours, faggot!
Don't be ashamed...
I'm not ashamed. I just don't want to.
I don't want to...
How do you know?
If you've never tried it?
You think you turn me on?
I need a real woman.
Something attractive.
Not repulsive.
I heard someone...
You'll get yours, fairy!
I'm humiliated!