See, this guy came to trial with
a broken collarbone and a wired jaw...
and some friends of his
who testified that I started it.
And they said that I kicked his face in
when he was unconscious.
Of course, you did no such thing?
I've been tried for it already, okay?
You married?
I was married for four years.
My wife divorced me when I was in prison.
If I don't get those melons in this week,
I lose the whole crop.
Hey, Lieutenant, I only need a few days.
That's all that's worrying you? Melons?
I think you better get a lawyer.
He'll go to court. Court'll set bond.
If you pay it,
you can go pick all the melons you want.
Sure. I pay the bail,
and I have no money left for a crew.
And I can't pick 160 acres by myself.
You should have thought of that earlier.
Lock him up.
Hey, buddy, you going to eat that sausage?
You ain't gonna eat it, nobody is?
Help yourself.
No, I guess not.
Take one of those cigarettes though.
- I'll pay you back later.
- Hey.
Want a smoke?
Yeah. It's all right. I got one.
Hey, don't you know who that is?