He also wished me
to thank you again
for saving the honor of the British
garrison in Jordan.
The brigadier's confession
was opportune.
I say, how did you do it?
Was it the old thumbscrew,
you know, the rack?
Yes. Well, you'll be able to rest
as soon as you get to Stamboul.
The church of Santa Sofia
is absolutely magnificent.
You have seen it?
Come on.
Move. Come on.
Get up. Come on.
I hope we did the right thing booking
you into a hotel on the European side
rather than the Asian side.
I have no prejudice against
either continent.
The... The crossing
should be pleasant.
The Bosporus is always calm.
You have crossed by the ferry?
Welcome, Colonel Arbu...
Arbu... Arbut...
The Bosporus Ferry will shortly
depart for Istanbul Sirkeci Station,
connecting with the Orient Express.
Not now.
Not now. When it's all over.
When it's behind us. Then.