My secretary can show
you two letters on file.
And I... can show you this.
I sleep on it.
Mr. Poirot...
...5,000 dollars.
Ten thousand?
Fifteen thousand.
Mr. Ratchett, I have
made enough money
to satisfy both my needs
and my caprices.
I take only such cases now
as interest me,
and to be frank, my interest
in your case is... dwindling.
Belgrade Station.
The Orient Express will
depart in five minutes.
Monsieur Poirot.
I am transferring Signor Bianchi's
luggage to the Pullman.
He's giving you
his own compartment.
But you cannot sit up all night.
My dear friend,
do not concern yourself.
Since you are going to England,
it is better for you
to stay on the through coach
to Calais.
Now, Pierre has made me
very comfortable.
There is no one in the Pullman
but one Greek doctor. Ecco.
- Such generosity deserves my thanks.
- Buon riposa.