Or a weak woman.
Or a strong man stabbing
the victim both strongly
and weakly in order to confuse us.
At least we know that
by the time of the murder,
Ratchett was too drugged to cry out
or defend himself with this.
But how did you guess...?
I didn't. He showed it to me
when he offered me $15,000
to be his bodyguard and I refused.
Ought I to have accepted?
Now, let us consider the ashtray.
Two different matches.
A smoked cigar.
- A pipe cleaner...
- And this.
- The initial H.
- That should not be hard to identify.
I wonder, Christian name or surname?
We must wait until
we examine the passports.
Bianchi, doctor,
has it occurred to you that there
are too many clues in this room?
Let us proceed by examining what
I hope will prove to be the last of them.
The burnt paper.
I use it for the mustaches.
What has that to do
with mustaches?
To melt the wax.