Murder on the Orient Express

My second husband said
always to ask for change in dollars

in the face of multiple
and intolerable bereavements!

or at worst, sterling.
So for Pete's sake,
what's a drachma?

I would have understood his action
It is... What do you call it...?
The currency...

if, in addition to the D.S.O. And M.C.,
he had been awarded the V.C.

My second husband also said,
"Take a book of food tickets, Mama,

"and you'll have no problem,
no problem at all."

Which stands, as you may know,
for Victoria Cross

That just isn't so.
First there's this ten-percent tip. Five
would've done the steward more...

and is awarded for valor.
I think Miss Ohlsson has a headache.
Then, in my opinion,
Would you forgive us if we went back
to the compartment, Mrs. Hubbard?

Ratchett deserved what he got.
Gladly, if you must.
If you need aspirin,
I always carry it on my person.

Though I'd sooner have seen him
properly tried by jury.

I mistrust foreign drugs.
You must excuse me,
Mrs. Hubbard is upon us.

Trial by 12 good men and true
is a sound system.

What's the matter with him?
Train-sick or something?

Some of us, in the words of the divine
Greta Garbo, "want to be alone".

We believe the murder
was committed at 1:15.

What were you doing then?
I was yarning with young...
What's his name?

McQueen, in his compartment.
He was interested in the future
of India, a bit impractical.

And for dinner this evening?
He thought the British
ought to move out.

You will have the goodness
to serve me the poached sole

How long did you stay yarning
after that?

with one new potato
and a small green salad
with no dressing. Hildegarde.

Till 1:30. It's...
It's what I call a three-pipe yarn.
Who was that majestic lady?
- The Princess Dragomiroff.
- I have heard.

Colonel Arbuthnott, you are the only
passenger in the Calais coach

who smokes a "pipe".
- So it would appear.
- Then this...

...must be your "pipe" cleaner.
- It's the same brand.
- It was found in an ashtray

by the dead man's bedside.
Pardon me, sir.
Then someone planted it there.
It's a used "pipe" cleaner.

I wonder if you could
oblige me with a light.

Thank you.
My name is Ratchett.

Or are you suggesting
that I'm fool enough

to have entered Ratchett's cabin,
murdered him,

Do I have the pleasure of speaking
to Mr. Hercule Poirot?

cleaned my "pipe" and dropped it
in the ashtray before leaving?

The pleasure possibly, Mr. Ratchett,
the intention certainly.

You asked me for a light.
No, Colonel Arbuthnott.
I offered you one,
and you have not used it.

Miss Debenham.
One can deduce that without
acute mental exhaustion.

- Can I stay?
- No, Colonel Arbuthnott.

That's wonderful. Sit down, sir.
- For a moment.
- Just for a moment.

Thank you very much.
Well, Mr. Poirot.
Please be seated.
- Poirot.
- How's that?

- Poirot.
- Oh, Poirot. Right.
