while Monsieur Poirot addresses you.
If anyone wishes to make a statement,
he or she can do so
at the meeting's end.
Thank you.
It's me, sir, Beddoes,
with your pick-me-up.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are
all aware that a repulsive murderer
has himself been repulsively
and perhaps deservedly murdered.
Your amber moon, Mr. Ratchett.
How and why?
Here is the simple answer.
There is evidence
supporting the theory
that the murderer
was a stranger to us all.
Mrs. Hubbard was conscious
of a man in her compartment
soon after 1:15 a.m.
She later found near her bedside
the button of a wagon-lit conductor.
Your passkey.
Fräulein Schmidt discovered,
planted in her suitcase,
the uniform of a conductor,
The chain.
which could not possibly
have fitted Pierre,
and from which, in fact,
there was a button missing.
And in the trouser
pocket of the uniform
was a conductor's passkey.
Pierre, touch nothing.
Later still, Mrs. Hubbard discovered
this bloodstained dagger,
Where are Signor Bianchi
and the Greek doctor?
which Dr. Constantine confirms
In the dining car, monsieur.
could have been
the murderer's weapon.
Fetch them at once.
The obvious implication
is that the murderer,
disguised as a conductor,
boarded the train at Belgrade,
made his way by means
of the convenient passkey
to Ratchett's compartment,
stabbed him to death,
planted the dagger
and the uniform,
and then departed, since the train
was now halted in a snowdrift.
Well, can't you tap
the telephone wires?
- Or fire a rocket, or something?
- This is not a ship, madame.
Who was he?
- Where exactly are we?
- We are between Vinkovci and Brod.
I am inclined to agree
with Mr. Foscarelli,
- But in what country?
- In Yugoslavia.
who believes that he was
a rival member of the Mafia,
The Balkans.
What else can you expect?
exacting private vengeance
for a vendetta
Snow is God's will.
And all is for the best.
whose precise nature the Yugoslav
police will undoubtedly identify.
Yeah, but how long do you think before
we can start getting out of here?
As soon as the stationmaster
at Brod sees
that we do not arrive on time,
he will send...
...is that all?
- No. No, no, no, no.
...is that all?
- No. No, no, no, no.
Dr. Constantine,
Monsieur Poirot wants to see you.
No, it is not.
I said, here is the simple answer.
And you too, Signor Bianchi.
Forgive me, ladies and gentlemen.
Only God's forgiveness is important.
There is also a more...